First of all, I apologize. This post was released at 12:30 as usual, but a glitch in the cronjob replaced the post's content with "S". The reason the cronjob was different from usual is that it has been modified to use the new Four Island's post adding functionality as to allow the posts to be compatible with the new Four Island.

Some more info about the new Four Island! First of all, it's nearly out! I just need to finish the Wiki and do the Admin Panel and then it's done! In fact, if I'm super productive, I may even finish today! Wow!

Also, the new Four Island's blog will support Pingbacks. This is exciting. If you don't know what Pingbacks are, well, here's a short explanation:

Suppose that there are two blogs: Alice's blog and Bob's blog. Alice posts a link to one of Bob's blog posts on her blog. Because of this, Alice's blog then sends a "pingback" to Bob's blog notifying his blog that Alice has posted a link to him. When Bob's blog recieves this Pingback, it posts a comment on the post in question saying that Alice has linked to him.

Pingback will be very useful as Gryphic seems to have a fun tendency to post replies to my blog on her blog. I ask one thing, though. Peoples (that includes you, Gryphic), if you wish to post a reply to one of my blog posts on your blog or reference it in some way, please include a link to the post of mine that you are referencing so that I can recieve a Pingback. Thanks!

Hatkirby on June 9th, 2008 at 10:30:03pm
πŸ‘ 7 πŸ‘Ž

After seeing some people be VERY annoying on our Yaplet channel, I've decided to write up a list of behaviorial rules because sometimes people just start..... fizzles away<!--more-->

  1. DON'T impersonate people! It's lying, confuses people and can get you into trouble! For instance, see what happened after bro01 pretended to be tamasys at #117.
  2. DON'T NPC unless you're being useful! Senseless NPCing confuses new users who don't understand NPC! It makes them think a new user is online! So, as a collary of this rule, DON'T change your name!
  3. DON'T stream numbers!

5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .... 9 8 7 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4


That can ACTUALLY annoy people! Who knew? 4. As an extension to the streaming numbers, DON'T endlessly repeat ANYTHING! Constant :('s that go on forever because you are Ctrl-Ving them ceaselessly can slow down Yaplet! 5. DON'T use real names! I shouldn't even have to say this. 6. DON'T talk about eggs! It's taboo! I don't know why, but when you start talking about eggs, the smell of eggs suddenly appears....

I can't think of any more right now. But please, adhere to these rules. You can seriously annoy people if you don't.

Hatkirby on June 8th, 2008 at 10:30:04pm
πŸ‘ -3 πŸ‘Ž

Wow. I love The Daily WTF, and looking back at some of my code, I've written some WOEs myself. (WOE = What On Earth). So, I'd like to share them. Because they're funny. Yes.

for (i=0;i<toParse.length();i++)
  if ((toParse.substr(i, 1) != " ") && (toParse.substr(i, 1) != "4") && (toParse.substr(i, 1) != "\n"))
    cout << endl << endl << "ERROR: Unrecognized character in line " << lineNum << ":" << endl;
    cout << "\t" << curline;
int j = 0;
i = 0;
if (toParse.length() > 0)
  while (toParse.length() != 0)
    if ((toParse.substr(i, 1) == " ") || (toParse.substr(i, 1) == "\n"))
      if (i == 0)
        toParse = toParse.substr(1);
        i = -1;
      } else {
        string2int((char*)toParse.substr(0, i).c_str(),paras[j]);
        toParse = toParse.substr(i + 1);
        i = -1;

If you haven't gotten it yet, here's the explanation. The program first verifies that the string toParse does not contain any non-4s, non-dashes and non-spaces. Then it examines each character and if it is not a dash or a space, it converts the character from an integer to a string. This is absolutely ridiculous as the only value that character could be at that point would be a 4.

This WOE has been taken from lines 43-72 of singlefour.cpp of the singlefour project. This code was introduced in revision 7 and fixed in revision 26.

Hatkirby on June 7th, 2008 at 10:30:09pm
πŸ‘ -3 πŸ‘Ž

It's PARADOX TIEM! RUN! GAH! Sorry, but seriously, who voted NO on this weeks poll?

Yes - 6 vote(s)! No - 1 vote(s)! Huh? - 2 vote(s)! Don't care - 0 vote(s)!

In other news, you may have guessed that today's my birthday! YAYZ! Also, the weirdest thing happened this morning. (No, not as weird as the personality swap) When I woke up, I looked at the clock and it was 4:44. StRaNgE.

Hatkirby on June 6th, 2008 at 2:55:22pm
πŸ‘ 3 πŸ‘Ž

Well, once again, I'm hosting another site. This time, it's a blog for Timbo94! It's called Dream Weaver and he's already populating it with interesting posts! Find it at! It's also on the Four Island Links page!

In other news, the new Four Island is doing great! The quotes db has been completely re-written, and I've now decided that, if you are logged in while posting a quote, you don't have to get it verified. You only have to get it verified if you're anonymous.

Hatkirby on June 4th, 2008 at 10:30:04pm
πŸ‘ 3 πŸ‘Ž

No, you haven't lost your mind again. I have changed my username. Again.

I just felt as if Starla was too common, I mean, I really liked the name, but too many other people on the Internet used the same name, so it wouldn't be unique.

I've come up with StarlaXY as an alternative as it's unused and actually makes logical sense (though I won't tell you why, and be quiet Tamasys, you're lucky I told you), but I don't think it's cute enough.

So please leave comments on what you think. I'd like help on this because I don't want to always be changing my username. I may even decide to go back to Hatkirby. Please tell me what you think.

NOTE: The Login button is still in existance, it's just invisible. Sorry. That's fixed in the new Four Island. For the time being, it's located next to the "Links" button on the NavBar.

Hatkirby on June 1st, 2008 at 10:30:08pm
πŸ‘ 7 πŸ‘Ž

[ #30 + (8) - [X] ](/quotes/30.php)

....We've got a new QOTM. And guess what, it's the (in)famous #30! Click on the link for the full details.

Also, the new Four Island is doing great! I won't reveal much, but I'd like to give you a tiny hint: CSS Speech Bubbles |

Hatkirby on May 31st, 2008 at 10:30:05pm
πŸ‘ 7 πŸ‘Ž

Goodness, I don't think I've ever seen so many people vote No on a poll before. I guess you all just felt very strongly against it. Thank's for your opinion! This poll was actually important because, as I'm rewriting Four Island, I wanted to know what I should do for a home page and I was going to take these results into effect. Here are the results:

Yes - 1 vote(s)! No - 5 vote(s)! Huh? - 3 vote(s)! Indifferent - 1 vote(s)!

I'd also like to point out an interesting pattern I've noticed recently. I've been sick for the last two days so I haven't been on The Fourm or on Yaplet. Now, remembering that, read these notes:

  • I am (normally) always on Four Island.
  • It is rare for two people to log on within 5 minutes of each other.
  • When someone logs in, and there is no one already logged in, they will wait 5 minutes for someone else to log in. If they don't, they log out.

Now, process that with me being sick. Ahhhh, bad effects, right? Also, I'm sorry, I was going to talk to you peoples about how the new Four Island was doing, but I'm still not feeling very well. Maybe later.

Hatkirby on May 30th, 2008 at 3:32:47pm
πŸ‘ 2 πŸ‘Ž

A little explanation. Does anyone out there program in PHP? If you do (woohoo!), you may have experienced a:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CASE in /path/to/file on line 7

Or perhaps, maybe a:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ECHO, expecting ',' or ';' in /path/to/file on line 12

Or maybe even a:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ']' in /path/to/file on line 12

No need to panic. Well, I guess I did the first time I saw one of them. But it turns out that, while it is hard to find information about them on the internet, the solution for them is quite simple.

They just mean that you're using bad syntax. For instance, the T_CASE may mean that you have a switch statement somewhere and forgot a ; after the break. The T_ECHO could mean that you forgot a ; after an echo statement. And the what-on-earth T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING just means that you left out a ['s matching ].

That feel better? I knew it would.

Sorry, I'm just really random sometimes, but it WAS difficult to find information about these errors on the internet.

Hatkirby on May 27th, 2008 at 10:30:04pm
πŸ‘ 1 πŸ‘Ž

You may know this already, but I just want to post a quick tip on how to create a custom sidebar in Firefox. The novelty of it is that you use any old webpage and it stays there regardless of the tab you are on.

As an example, I will be showing you how to add the Four Island Yaplet channel to your sidebar, but if you have your own webpage assembled, you can skip this paragraph. First, open Yaplet. The URL is In the top right hand corner, there is an image of two windows, one on the other. Click that to open Yaplet in a pop-up window.

Now, bookmark the page. This can be done by Ctrl-D, or, if you are using 3b5, the star in the top-right hand corner. Go to bookmark properties and edit the bookmark you just made. There will be a checkbox saying "Open this in the sidebar". Click that.

Yay, you're done! Now, whenever you open that bookmark, it will open as a sidebar. This is very useful, especially with Yaplet, because it means you don't have to be on Four Island to use it's Yaplet channel as it spreads through all tabs.

Hatkirby on May 25th, 2008 at 10:30:03pm
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