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2009 In Review: Quotes

So, does anyone remember the Quote Of The Month? Lol, AGES ago, I used to post about the highest rated quote that month. Well, I only did it once last year and that was in January. So, I've decided to skip QOTM and instead replace it with the Quotes Of The Year!

2009 was an.... odd year. Four Island kind of exploded during 2009 and not much happened. There were some good quotes, however, and I'm going to list them for you! Here are the 10 most popular quotes from 2009!

  1. #248 The Lollipop Desert
  3. #212 Earthrandoms
  4. #200 I'm Naked!
  5. #186 Smiley Is Slimey
  6. #171 Hatkirby by Rihanna
  7. #272 HLFS
  8. #223 Fangirls
  9. #265 Buried The Kitchen In Fat

And the number one quote of 2009 is....

  1. #232 Blank

Yes, I see the irony. :P Anyway, 2009 had some really good quote. Most of the quotes up there spawned memes. Anyway, those were the quotes of 2009! I'm hoping for some more hilarious, meme-spawning quotes in 2010! Get to cracking jokes! :P And just so you know, the most popular quote overall is:

#112 Loading Very Slowly

Hatkirby on
👍 0 👎


My fav is earthrandoms :D.

tamasys on January 3rd, 2010 at 10:20:07pm

My faves are "The CHEESE BLOCK EQUATION", "Hatkirby by Rihanna" and "Fangirls". :P I used to literally LOL when I read those quotes :P WE NEED NEW QUOTES TO LOL AT! :P

Hatkirby on January 3rd, 2010 at 10:43:48pm
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