onIt's New Years Eve! OMG! This is so exciting, soon it'll be 2010 and Four Island will be different yet again! Does anyone remember last year when all of the blog posts had red calendars next to them? Lol, we've been looking at blue calendars for so long.... And tomorrow it will change again.... to purple! :)
So, last year on New Years Eve, I posted a list of random/cynical predictions of what was to occur in 2009. Did any of them come true? Well, I did make a seventh layout, but not until September. :P And I did reinstall my operating system once, but on my personal computer (because I had somehow deleted the contents of /sbin.... :P) not my server.
This year, because I like the whole annual tradition thing, I will also be writing a list of predictions. But not in list form. I wrote an extremely strange song! :P
In the year oh-ten No-thing would hap-pen Because everyone will be busy typing "Greetings :)" into Yaplet!
Starla will change her site Into an Imogen Heap fan...site And then she'll realize she's pronouncing "Imogen" wrong and change it back like that!
TimTam'll make a wiki About a witch in Helsinki Then we'll all mob him from stealing a joke from Sabrina!
And Drifty, she will write A hundred stories in one night Then she'll post them all to FourFiction and my server will explode!
And Smiley, he will post Exactly one post, about toast And he will receive a medal for not posting about com-pu-ters!
And Sammi, she will draw All over her grand-maw Then she'll get grounded for so long that she'll actually write on her blog!
Then Bluemonkey and I Will collab on Layout 9 Until I realize he's trying to write it in ASP and I m-fire him and he m-quits and I realize that I skipped Layout 8! phew
And Pyro will perform A hostile-takeover of the town Jorm Then every day and every night will be a national holiday!
And Ozzyfrog, he will fly Right up in to the Sky And then receive a ticket for flying into a cable company!
And maybe J-A-L Will invent some sort of smell That makes iguanas want to eat toast and he becomes very rich!
And Timbo.... (oh, right, he discontinued his blog) will breathe air!
And True Falsities Will run another story About New Years being redirected to /dev/null and nobody knows what that means!
My router will explode (again) My website will be hacked (again) And Google will be acquired by Soy Products Ltd!
"2010 In Song"
Ummm.... that was weird. :P It.... sort of follows the melody of the first verse of Different Town. :P Anyway, have a very Happy New Year and I will see you tomorrow for my annual goals post!