An Astonishlingly On Time Poll
onPEOPLE VOTED! Well, I think they did. I can't see how many people voted (only the percentage of votes on each option) without looking in the database, so for all I know, as I had voted for the first option, that someone simply voted for the last one and no one else voted. :P Well, we'll soon find out! :P
Will I ever fall in love? I have, with this album! - 1 vote(s)! No, I don't want a sip of Up & Go - 0 vote(s)! What? - 0 vote(s)! I might be wrong, so indifferent - 1 vote(s)!
Oh.... um, ahem. Nothing to see here, move along! :P Btw, I FINALLY MANAGED TO UPDATE THE POTW ON TIME!!!! PARTEH!!!!! :P