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An Endlenge Update

Just a quick notice about Endlenge: Two weeks ago, when Endlenge started, I said that I was going to rapidly release puzzles until May 30th, and then I'd release them on either a weekly or a bi-weekly schedule. First of all, I already broke then schedule: I didn't stop rapidly releasing puzzles until June 7th. Second, I think I will go with the bi-weekly schedule because it involves there being more puzzles.

You may be thinking, FJDLSFSD!?!?! And I'm sorry, I keep using the word "bi-weekly" without knowing what it means. When I say that I'm going to release Endlenge puzzles bi-weekly, I really mean that I'm going to release them twice a week. Sorry about that. :) Anyway, have fun with Endlenge!

Hatkirby on
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