Remember back when I was being nostalgic about old layouts when the 6th layout was released? Remember I was pining for a supposedly non-existent screenshot of the elusive Layout 1? Well guess what. I have found one.
I found it while traversing Wikipinia one lazy day. I found, in my User hierarchy, an old list of websites I hosted, with other information about them such as launch date. Upon opening Four Island's page, I gasped in amazement as I saw, staring at me, the long-sought after screenshot of Layout 1. :)
I can't believe how much Four Island has changed since that. Does this site even slightly resemble the one in that screenshot? Plus, back then, I knew a lot less about blogs. I even remember thinking that posting once a day is too much. Now I'm concerned about posting too little. :)
You may notice a discrepancy in that screenshot. As you know, The Fourm wasn't released until March 30th 2008. However, the third layout was enacted December 3rd 2007 and there's a link in that screenshot entitled "Fourms". Well, Four Island did have a fourm before Layout 3. It ran miniBB fourm software (which was a mistake because that resulted Four Island being blocked from a certain place for a long time) that wasn't that good. It was removed October 22nd 2007.
I haven't updated my Wikipinia user pages since forever, but there's a lot of interesting information in there. For instance, the original release date of Color Pencils was April 27th 2008, even though everyone thinks it's May 5th 2008. Weird. :)