onGosh, I think I'm updating a little fast now, don't you think? Anyway, another challenge has been released! (By the way, sorry about Lofofo, it's dead, but this one won't be, promise)
Do you like programming? Yes? (If you answer no to any of these questions you should skip this paragraph and the one following it) How about esotoric ones? How about HIGHLY esotoric ones? Still yes? Well then, have I got a treat for you!
I've a translator language (sorry guys, no compiler yet, will get there sometime) called Single Four AND IT IS INSANE. How insane? Well, let's take the example of the simplest program to code, a program that prints "Hello World!" to the screen and then quits. I managed to write that in Single Four, but even after I found a few tricks to lessen the size of the code, it was still 482 LINES OF CODE LONG! So, if you like languages that are a challenge to program in, go to the Challenges section and click "Single Four"!
(NOTE: If JAL is reading this, you still need to email me the logo you want for Wikipinia)