onWhew! Who likes the new site layout? I just spent the last four (actually three and a half, but four is just such a better number) hours designing it. What I think is the strangest part, however, is that I barely touched the HTML and PHP code (well, ok, I had to move the HatNav and the HatBar into header.php). Most of the changes you see are all CSS. Wow. No, I didn't think CSS could do that either. So, anyway, I hope you like the new site layout!
EDIT: Oh, and by the way, I haven't finished the little icons on the top yet so don't worry that your browser is malfunctioning.
ANOTHER EDIT: Yes! I have now finished the first two icons! Don't they look great? The third isn't done yet, and I'm going to re-do the fourth because I don't think it looks good enough.