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Obvious Half-Week Mostly Down Poll

Votes on this poll were a little........ sparse. I guess that's reasonable, though, because this poll hasn't even been around for a whole week. But then we look at POTW #8... but then again, the site was down for most of this half-week... SO YOU'RE ALL OFF THE HOOK! Anyway, here are the obvious results!

Windows - 0 vote(s)! Macintosh - 0 vote(s)! Linux - 3 vote(s)! Other - 0 vote(s)!

A huge horray to all of you that voted Linux (which was everyone that voted at all)!

Hatkirby on
👍 4 👎


We all know that Linux is THE BEST! But the question is, what distribution is the best of Linux? I originally wanted Fedora (I don't quite remember why), but it was only available in Live DVD format (I don't have a DVD burner), so I tried Gentoo, AND FELL IN LOVE WITH IT! But sadly, it didn't support my network card, so I tried Debian, which I didn't love as much, and it also didn't support my card, so I tried Ubuntu, and I literally fell out of my chair (It was about 11 at night) when it connected to my wireless network nearly instantly.So in conclusion, my favorites (so far) are Gentoo and Ubuntu.

Hatkirby on January 18th, 2008 at 3:37:00pm

i like ubuntu (although to be perfectly honest it is the only one i have ever used...)

tamasys on June 27th, 2008 at 9:08:54pm
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