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Pingback Support

First of all, I apologize. This post was released at 12:30 as usual, but a glitch in the cronjob replaced the post's content with "S". The reason the cronjob was different from usual is that it has been modified to use the new Four Island's post adding functionality as to allow the posts to be compatible with the new Four Island.

Some more info about the new Four Island! First of all, it's nearly out! I just need to finish the Wiki and do the Admin Panel and then it's done! In fact, if I'm super productive, I may even finish today! Wow!

Also, the new Four Island's blog will support Pingbacks. This is exciting. If you don't know what Pingbacks are, well, here's a short explanation:

Suppose that there are two blogs: Alice's blog and Bob's blog. Alice posts a link to one of Bob's blog posts on her blog. Because of this, Alice's blog then sends a "pingback" to Bob's blog notifying his blog that Alice has posted a link to him. When Bob's blog recieves this Pingback, it posts a comment on the post in question saying that Alice has linked to him.

Pingback will be very useful as Gryphic seems to have a fun tendency to post replies to my blog on her blog. I ask one thing, though. Peoples (that includes you, Gryphic), if you wish to post a reply to one of my blog posts on your blog or reference it in some way, please include a link to the post of mine that you are referencing so that I can recieve a Pingback. Thanks!

Hatkirby on
👍 7 👎


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