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Pink Panther

Okay, by now you've seen the title and are prepared to run for your life. DON'T WORRY. I'm not going to inundate you with Pink Panthers! Well, sort of. Maybe.

First, I wanted to sort of explain what on earth I was on during Randomlog. The idea started on or about Thursday, two weeks ago. I was poking around gmail.com for some reason and decided to create a new email address: one that people could send completely random stuff to that I would be inspired by to write or produce something. I probably filched that idea from Homestar Runner, but whatever. :P Anyway, I decided I would make a blog for the stuff I created via that method.

Later, I was poking around some old parts of The Fourm and discovered this old fossil. A story generated in a MadLib-like way. I mentioned in that post that I had also created a similar story using Pink Panther in every field. I don't know why I did that. It was weird. Anyway, I was suddenly inspired to create a new blog where every post was a Pink Panther'd MadLib story. I see now that that is enough to send someone insane. Oh well. :P

Anyway, I was setting up the Pink Panther blog at one point (K2 loves me like a kitten!) and suddenly realized that I could combine the two ideas! So I renamed the blog to Randomlog and made Visitor Content, the random email inspiration thing, the main part of the site. Sort of. As of Saturday, when this post was written, which also happens to be 7 days since the email address was first revealed, I have received no email at that address. Quite. :P

Anyway, as you know, Randomlog is no more. However, I do not like throwing stuff out. When I decided to post Caption'd images every week after the poll results, I didn't start posting images with the first one that hadn't been seen, I posted all of the previously revealed images (all four of them) AND posted a new image.

Where am I going with this? I think you know. The Pink Panther Collection! YAY! I moved all of the Pink Panthers from Randomlog, published or not, to a single page and put them up on Four Island Other. Read them! Please? :P Some of them are actually a bit funny because of the inappropriate parts of speech and the self-referencing, though the repetition does sort of get to you. Anyway, there we go. Twenty-three MadLibs full of Pink Panther. Yes, I know, I'm very odd. Deal with it. :P

Hatkirby on
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