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Poll Of Quotes

I'm not very fond of your haaaaat.... I'm sorry, I'm simply obsessed with funny quotes from TV. What's even funnier is when Josh walks into the room where Sabrina is and says "Sie schauen heute abend so reizend aus." I DIED laughing, but that's so off the point.

Teh commenting is fun! - 7 vote(s)! OMG You're a bully! - 0 vote(s)! I'm not very fond of your haaaat.... - 0 vote(s)! Indifferent - 1 vote(s)!

GAH I'm still not posting consistently! I had a post idea on Wednesday that was for Thursday, but I forgot to write it wragadablareeee :(. Hopefully I'll get back into it, kay? :)

Hatkirby on
👍 4 👎


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