Posting Blog Poll Stuff!

Well! This poll received many a vote! But in the end, one finally had to win! Well, I guess that there COULD be a situation in which MORE than one option won.... in fact, they could all, possibly, win, but they didn't! No, they did not! Let's just examine those results now....

Computer-y stuff - 7 vote(s)! Personal stuff - 4 vote(s)! Random fun stuff - 5 vote(s)! Other - 0 vote(s)!

Lol, I was terrifyingly late to this poll. It's literally 5 minutes to midnight. I have been too lazy recently; I'd wake up on Saturday and think "Poll of the Week? Meh, I'll do it later." CONSCIOUS DECISION. Then, I happen to remember at 11:48 PM. FREAKING OUT as I nearly just collapsed from drowsiness. It happened yesterday, too, with my weekly blog post, except it was an hour and a half earlier. I will have to stop being lazy, post more frequently and get more work done. MARK MY WORDS, MR ANDERSON, MARK MY WORDS. I'm not quite sure why I said that. Maybe I should go sleep now.

Hatkirby on
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