Somehow, I Got Converted
onOkay, this post may be a bit shocking to some people who know me and my feelings towards Apple products, specifically Macs, in the past, but I kind of feel it needs to be said.
I like Macs now.
I'll give you all a few minutes to find a defibrillator and restart your heart.
Done yet? Okay, good. Now, please, someone, tell me what my argument against Macs was. Anyone at all. Nothing? Huh? That's right, I can't remember a single, valid argument I had against Macs. I would just go "THEY'RE EVIL" and "THEY CAN'T DO ANYTHING" and then run away in a cloud of smoke. I was even reading back on Four Island and found an old post where I interviewed "an idiot" as to why he liked iPhones, saying only idiots liked them and, volia, I now have an iPhone. Interesting. :P
I think I must've had a scarring experience with a Mac in my childhood or something because I seem to make fights between Apple and I where they aren't necessary. I mean, come on, I don't even KNOW why I started saying that iPads were bad. Sure, I dislike how a lot of people are saying that they could be used as a replacement for a computer because that's definitely not what they should be used for, but I do, actually, like the iPad. It was a cool concept and it definitely would be like "holding the Internet in your hands".
Macs look really nice, they're fun to use and they're really, really fast. I actually know that, and I haven't been hypnotized by the Apple website, because my cousin has a MacBook Pro and I keep telling him that it's evil instead of telling him that I like it for some reason. Oh, and the magnetic power cord is just SO much fun. :P
Now, while this may be a bit out-of-the-blue, it really has been a while in the coming. While I love the freedom of Linux and the speed increase it has over Windows Vista, I really, really like professional looking and highly integrated operating systems and sadly, Linux doesn't really fit either of those. Linux has a thrown-together look going on and it has so many random programs that offer this functionality but it doesn't go well on this computer and it looks ugly over here and blah blah blah. So many programs to choose from that aren't so greatly integrated with this and that and it's so frustrating.
So, basically, I'm saying that I'm no longer hating on Apple products just for the sake of hating on Apple products. That doesn't mean I can't still hate on Apple, though. :P If it weren't for them locking down iOS, we wouldn't have to jailbreak and it would be so much easier to run awesome apps on your iPhone! :P Anyway, I've been meaning to post this since Sunday and this whole procrastination thing is really annoying me, so here goes.
EDIT: Okay, I know this post is kind of stupid, but I have some better reasons in a comment to a more recent post.