Stars Will Fall If It Actually Happens -- and a poll!

Lol, the poll has finished! Sorry to those not in the know (basically everyone), but this poll is the result of a combination of two inside jokes that you would probably be better off not knowing. Anyway, here are the results!

What's your favorite shirt from Gap Senile? "Help, I'm Lost" - 0 vote(s)! "Excuse Me, I Need Some Ice Cream. Here's My Wallet; Can You Help?" - 2 vote(s)! "Do You Know What My Name Is? Please?" - 3 vote(s)! "I Gotta BM" - 1 vote(s)!

This week's poll is a bit silly too, but it's actually a bit relevant as well! Did you hear? Starfall, the story that Drifty, TimTam and I have been collaboratively writing for THE PAST TWO YEARS (TOTALLY NOT MY FAULT THIS TIME :P) is finally up to the final chapter! And who has the ominous Chapter 10 been assigned to? Oh god, it's me. :P NAG ME, NAG ME, NAG ME IN THE COMMENTS! :P

Another note: I HAVE BEEN VERY LAZY RECENTLY. And by recently, I MEAN ABOUT A YEAR. I haven't done any real, solid programming since InstaDisc fell through (apart from some short-lived attempts at creating The TGS Website). WHY IS THAT? Something needs to be done here, but mailing me flaming crates of C4 is really messy, so we're going to have to find a different way. Yeah. fizzles out


Prozac Image

Phone Service Image

On a random final note: I changed my fourm avatar to Kate Nash (WHO IS AWESOME)! That, plus Twitter, says that there's going to be another music review soon! Actually, there will be two because I have recently acquired two CDs (and possibly a third in a few hours :P). Anyway, runs away

Hatkirby on
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