← Tetrgi the Third

Tetrgi Poll

Well! It turns out people actually care about Tetrgi! WHO KNEW? :) And for those who haven't a clue, try reading it's project page in the projects section. :)

Yes - 3 vote(s)! Ewwww! - 1 vote(s)! What IS it? - 3 vote(s)! Indifferent - 0 vote(s)!

At least I updated the poll on the right time this week!

Anyway, I have to say something about Yaplet. We on Four Island have been using Yaplet a long time for our synchronous communication, ever since Drifty found it, but lately it's been rather unreliable. It goes down alot, freezes so we talk to ourselves for hours and slows down. I may just end up writing my own replacement because Yaplet can be rather annoying.

Hatkirby on
👍 -1 👎


I agree with you 100% on the Yaplet front. You should make your own, as long as it's basically the same thing, but better. It's up to you whether you'll just make the same thing without the freezing, slow downs etc., or add more features too. It'll be interesting to see what it's like.

Timbo94 on January 10th, 2009 at 7:26:59pm

Thanks! It's too early to say but I could do that with some AJAX scripts I used for a previous project.... schemes Okay, I'll work on that. That is, if I get time between that, all of my other projects, life, LFS and more.... :) :(

And, YAY! Thanks for commenting.

Hatkirby on January 10th, 2009 at 7:31:16pm

You should use Reverse AJAX. Instead of all the clients polling the server, the server pushes data out to each client. It's kinda hard to explain, but it amounts to a more efficient communication system. Read wiki about: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Ajax

Bluemonkey on March 12th, 2009 at 2:35:59am
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