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The Last Goodbye

The time of happiness is over, let the drear begin.

In two days, some time in the afternoon, Four Island will go down. This is expected. However, this isn't some short lived downtime, Four Island is expected to be down for around two weeks.

The reason for this is, I am moving back to America, back to New York. I don't expect to have internet access for about a week or two until after I get there, so, in the mean while, think.

Today is the last time I will see any of the great friends I've made while in Australia, and a final chance to say goodbye to them. It is very likely that I will never see them again, though it is also likely that they will continue to go on the Fourm. Never destroy the link between close friends, because it hurts. Badly.

I will miss living in this wonderful country with these wonderful people and I hope they miss me in return. Though I miss America as well, life won't quite be the same when I move back.

So let me take the chance to say one more goodbye to all of the people I've met here and to all of the people I've bonded with:



I will miss you all oh so very much.

Hatkirby on
👍 1 👎


I'm sorry that you have to leave. :(

Smiley on June 27th, 2008 at 6:23:07am

biebie! we will miiiiiiisssssss you!!!!!! cries wow - i hadn't thought of it like this: although you will be on the other side of the world, it is still only 24 hours away. YAY!

tamasys on June 27th, 2008 at 8:56:55pm

Oh, I'm going to miss you peoples so much as well! 8(

We must come up with some sort of schedule. I calculated that if I wake up at 4 AM, it'll be 6 PM in Australia, so that could be a communicative time.

Hatkirby on June 27th, 2008 at 9:09:00pm
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