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The Return of Edna Mode

YAY! People actually care about my posts! They've even been commenting! YAY! But for those immune people, HOW COULD YOU? :) JK. And you Edna Modes? :)

OMG YES - 5 vote(s)! No, I'm immune to your website! HAHAHA - 2 vote(s)! What are you talking about? - 1 vote(s)! Indifferent - 0 vote(s)!

So, now that I'm posting again, yay? :) Well, I'd write something else here, but I can't think of anything.

Hatkirby on
👍 -1 👎


By Edna Mode, do you mean Ms Rhiera? She was so Edna Mode.

tamasys on February 2nd, 2009 at 12:25:52am

....who? By Edna Mode, I mean the person from the Incredibles. It was a refrence from the third option, "Whaaat are you tawking about?"

And I just realized, it's Groundhog day!

Hatkirby on February 2nd, 2009 at 9:08:27am

Ms Rhiera used to teach at Kingswood until last year. She was short, had the same hairstyle, same looks, and spoke the same way as Edna Mode. It was creepy. We all called her Edna Mode behind her back :P Yay Groundhog Day! I love that movie. Such a silly day, though... (no offence).

tamasys on February 3rd, 2009 at 3:52:29am

LIH Really? That's funny.

Yes, that is a good movie. BTW, I made a True Falsity about Groundhog Day. I'm obsessed.... :)

Hatkirby on February 3rd, 2009 at 10:48:39am
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