← Best of 2012 #9: The Spirit Indestructible

Things Look Different

Just a quick post to say, hey, I've finished the work I was doing on the website! Yesterday, after having spent some time looking around on the website after my Best of 2012 post, which was the only reason I've been on Four Island for six months, I decided that Four Island v6 was pretty ugly. I worked tirelessly through the night to produce the new layout that you can see with your very own eyes, Four Island v7!

While v6 was a heavily modified version of the WordPress theme K2, I wrote v7 completely from scratch, which was an interesting experience because I don't really think the WordPress Codex has enough documentation on how to make a theme. I had to pick through other themes to find out what I was doing at many times, and at others I just had to blindly feel my way around WordPress's Template Tags documentation to get a feel for what I was doing. I think it all worked out pretty well, though, and I think things look nice. Fun posts to check out include Annetenna, Using the Inflector, and Of Books And Memes, because they showcase some of the neat stuff the theme does like comments, pingbacks and syntax highlighting. Also, if you care to use the search box, it actually sort of works now. Thank you to Relevanssi, what a grand plugin.

Anyway, the Best of 2012 post will be coming up later (in fact I'll probably start writing it when I publish this) so keep your eyes peeled and I hope you all like the new theme! Leave comments, let me know, and try out the Wordpress.com-provided comment form which is kind of awesome! :D

Hatkirby on
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