← Oh my T_CASE!

Very Negative

Goodness, I don't think I've ever seen so many people vote No on a poll before. I guess you all just felt very strongly against it. Thank's for your opinion! This poll was actually important because, as I'm rewriting Four Island, I wanted to know what I should do for a home page and I was going to take these results into effect. Here are the results:

Yes - 1 vote(s)! No - 5 vote(s)! Huh? - 3 vote(s)! Indifferent - 1 vote(s)!

I'd also like to point out an interesting pattern I've noticed recently. I've been sick for the last two days so I haven't been on The Fourm or on Yaplet. Now, remembering that, read these notes:

  • I am (normally) always on Four Island.
  • It is rare for two people to log on within 5 minutes of each other.
  • When someone logs in, and there is no one already logged in, they will wait 5 minutes for someone else to log in. If they don't, they log out.

Now, process that with me being sick. Ahhhh, bad effects, right? Also, I'm sorry, I was going to talk to you peoples about how the new Four Island was doing, but I'm still not feeling very well. Maybe later.

Hatkirby on
👍 2 👎


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