Virtual Red Book
onNO NO NO. If you are making a funtastic level game like Karoshi, even though it may seem like a good idea, Level 49 of Karoshi 2.0 was a mistake. In case you are clueless, it involved you putting an Audio CD in your disk drive and stepping on a blue button in the level, which plays the first track on the disk and then advances you to the next level.
Ummmmmm no. Not everybody has an Audio CD. Not everybody has a CD drive. Not everybody cares enough to go out to the store, buy a blank CD-R, search their hard drive for a random song, download a program that burns CD Audio (Red Book is surprisingly nothing like any other CD format) and then burn the song.
However, I am insane. Lol. I reeeaallly wanted to beat that level so I thought "Hey, why don't I create an ISO file and mount it as a second CD drive?"
Ummmm no. First, WINDOWS IS EVIL. I'm stuck with Windows this week and Windows didn't want to help. I eventually found a program that mounted ISO files on Windows, but it was terrible and ended up being worthless. Apparently Red Book CDs cannot come in ISO files. Gah.
So, after a whole ton of false turns and ffsdfsdfdsfs, I discovered the solution. I downloaded Virtual CD (sadly, it's a trial) and CDRWIN (also a trial, gahness, but I really only needed to do this once :) ). CDRWIN is a simple program that lets you burn various types of CDs, including the elusive Red Book format. Virtual CD is a fake drive management program. Very useful.
First, I opened Virtual CD and created a fake burner, a fake CD drive with write capability. Then I clicked "Create a blank virtual medium" in the "Burn" menu and filled out the form so as to create a blank writable virtual CD in the virtual CD burner. Next, I opened CDRWIN and burned a simple Audio CD with one song I found on my memory stick (Christmas Canon by The Trans Siberian Orchestra) and burned it to the virtual CD burner.
Finally, in Virtual CD, I mounted the CD image created by the virtual CD burner onto the REAL CD drive. When I opened Karoshi, the stereo triumphantly did not state "NO CD" and I watched in happiness as the sound waves from the stereo pushed a safe onto my character.
Yes, I feel like omg cool yo. O_O That was weird, but YAY I DID IT. Lol, this post is going insane. Anyway, yes, I mounted a virtual Audio CD on a real CD drive. Funness. :)