onThis post is the fifth day of VisitorGrid Week. For more information, read the post linked to right there.
Continuing along with the blogging theme, now that you know why you should blog and you have a blog, I'm going to make a little reward-type-thing.
You must write a post on you blog relating to the number four. Not just any post, not a spam post, a good post. No wait, a great post. If you do, post a link to it in this post's comments, I'll look over it, and if it's good, I'll pingback it.
So, there are the terms. You write a good post relating to the number four, I'll pingback your blog, providing you with more traffic. I'll generally post the Pingbacks on Saturday along with the weekly poll.
So, like the idea? Well, good. Now get blogging. This offer does not expire.