onOh dear. About a month after I started developing InstaDisc, I was notified by Bluemonkey that things such as client side RSS readers did exist in this realm. I knew that, but it had elapsed my memory for about a year. Poop.
Now, I wonder, what is to come of InstaDisc? The only real difference I can see between InstaDisc and RSS (other than the fact that InstaDisc seems to be a whole lot more complicated) is that InstaDisc offers Push technology to INSTAntly notify you of your fixes--I mean subscriptions--instantly. However, this only works with clients that are simply behind a modem without a router in between.
So, I ask now, what should I do with InstaDisc? Discontinue it? Continue it? Completely destroy it? Run off and cry? Pass out and cry? It's up to you, readers of Four Island. Well, it's probably actually up to me, but I really like it when you people comment!
I guess, then, that InstaDisc isn't much use. I'm sad. So anyway, I guess you peoples should use Liferea Feed Reader, if on a Linux-based system, otherwise Mozilla Thunderbird is also pretty good.