Bot Puzzles Scoreboard

Player Score
1. hizami 2246
2. ⬜Chlorine ⬜Lead 1832
3. 🟪Undefined 1635
4. ⬇⬛Barbarian + ➡🟧AAAAA 1036
5. Emmy 1000
6. vowels aren't real 848
7. furretfly 700
8. ORNNGE ]☀ 574
9. yay high 500
10. brendangelo 495
11. 🟥ce??? ?ree 482
12. QuandonS 475
13. >&<🟦 ice 466
14. ⬜ lou marie 447
15. hatkirby 416
16. therandomnat 404
18. ChrisS 👑 387
19. not wood text 327
20. dee_six 314
21. mothgirl :3 313
22. Architextured 278
23. 2Ɛ58doddod 264
24. pemguim_username 245
25. icely 236
26. jjroccss 227
27. ether_eal 213
28. Rever 202
29. kevinrstuart 202
30. 🟨🟥 rainy day 202
31. 🟦⬜ create 200
32. -🟨THE ARM MANAGER (3 10) 199
33. blah8975 198
34. lmwz 175
35. 🟦Taste🟩_________⬛Sugar 162
36. ⬜ ??I?C? ??E ???LY 156
37. 📺Max 142
38. Projectyl 140
39. ninjonicx 135
40. shinkaisetsuna 133
41. 🟩EMOJI 🥑😺 125
42. SirQuaren 116
43. Indigo 111
44. owl4541 110
45. ⬜⬜Hellojacker 109
46. machka6 107
47. 🟥Constantly Befuddled Arisu 103
48. 🟪BIKES! WOW! 100
49. impwolf 98
50. Complete Boolean Algebra 97
51. 🟩Symbol --> ඞා 96
52. phenomist 89
53. Blood_Red 88
54. Mellingow (PING REPLY) 88
55. deathly_death 86
56. 🟪Grass 85
57. draconical 83
58. not0838 83
59. Quartz 78
60. Someone (plural) 78
61. tstaffor 77
62. ⬛Zarevor 73
63. RyanT 71
64. hutthutthutt 71
65. Foovy 69
66. LightningReed133 66
67. GabeyK9 64
68. Rubrica 62
69. Noka 59
70. sussybanana568 59
71. gl1tch.r 58
72. 🟥 Sat at Unizh 58
73. 09rene09 58
74. Van 🎞 56
75. kiwi 👑 52
76. -🩷 PASTA (5) 52
77. super_dude00 52
78. [🟥] axial 51
79. anybody else 48
80. brickdegoss 47
81. kian1337 47
82. Rubester 44
83. v:tpm: CHAOS 41
84. 🟦 Paw 41
86. staffhook 40
87. Core-Poration 36
88. aicovt 34
89. calistus 33
90. jawa_08 30
91. 🟩EMOJI 🍏 30
92. NukeDragon 28
93. -🟦v🟥eight 27
94. qtbeee 27
95. kazulwashere 26
96. augustus_argento 25
97. S͓̽o͓̽l͓̽v͓̽L͓̽y͓̽i͓̽ 25
98. .serioussam69 24
99. ligeon lan 24
100. Carbon C13 23
101. 🟨MILVANIS 22
102. john0716 21
103. 🟪🟪 Satanic Panic 21
104. ⬜Menemy 21
105. Actual Linguist [3ofaband] 21
106. tuxpeepo 20
107. aarondobbe 20
108. sanctuspaladin 19
109. cayde365 18
110. tjm 17
111. palidisian 17
112. woomyrogue 16
113. locksley77 16
114. 3nt1ty_3o3 16
115. monorail 16
116. g9 (earthegg) 15
117. anipad 15
118. Kem 14
119. triple3eres 14
120. autumn666 14
121. SeptaCube 13
122. Comrade Mario 13
123. ccHHaallff bbAA aaCCaarr 13
124. heybud5232 13
125. Leaving Leaves 12
126. kf01 12
127. rb_drache 12
128. 🟪Oquamaeda 12
129. 🟪Moon-Birb 12
130. seivva 12
131. Brenton 11
132. anadvora 11
133. 🟪 Alchemist 11
134. taggedjc 11
135. pinkishnovaa 11
136. thekid9007 11
137. seesaweffectt 11
138. beanmilk 10
139. mataric_ght 10
140. kaittheunfallen 10
141. !!Klinger 9
142. tntdragon 9
143. 🟦villain 9
144. ↑ 🟪 See Degree 9
145. 🟨 me hard copies 9
146. daudderone 8
147. Cass 8
148. 🟨Ro Ro Boyo 8
149. ↘ :mt: AVALI (7) 8
150. thegreatescaper 7
151. :pm: MATTRESS (9) (she/her) 7
152. 🟪 WINSTREAK 7
153. avlanaz 7
154. uppedhealer8520 7
155. CC Spirit Minister 6
156. w a v y 6
157. Sparktail 6
158. Leveloneknob 6
159. seraphin 6
160. azuretone 6
161. F 6
162. 🟩 BELOW THIS 6
163. gutobacaxi 6
164. qwant0573 5
165. dexterity0 5
166. plinky432 5
167. flori2700 5
168. frogmeisterthe2th 5
169. Squishtopher Squvey 5
170. levibf712 5
171. Deusovi 4
172. Jacob Z. 4
173. pandamonium 4
174. Kyriaas 4
175. rayray 4
176. totally_707 4
177. squiglymain 4
178. insanebird 4
179. jaxxxythetabaxi 4
180. randomette 4
181. Apollo ;D 3
182. (N₂O+CN)™ 3
183. Mr_ParK3r2 3
184. s1mon 3
185. 9gjs 3
186. bazibon 3
187. trapham 3
188. River75731 2
189. Creeel 2
190. jchpmn6781 2
191. GlicoYinsinta 2
192. Theysaywhatnow 2
193. Skroogle 2
194. aaaaa!! 2
195. hpp3 2
196. yoshikirby26 2
197. Cthaere 2
198. Haubergier 2
199. mycelialmenagerie 2
200. 🟦Maximum Boi 2
201. 🟥🟪ascender 2
202. ↓⬛Random 2
203. 🟨⬛ Bedroom 2
204. tanner07 2
205. minimg 2
206. -🟦VIN (7) 2
207. ffuzz 2
208. 🧊 Esij 2
210. navelle's great new "alt" accoun 2
211. Katie 2
212. optimal green 2
213. nexio8324 2
214. attacini 2
215. teachedchmtry 2
216. ⬇🟫PAWN (6) // ⬇🟩♝(6) 2
217. Lokilotus 1
218. Ethan0156 1
219. PolyColious 1
220. Dragonmemo 1
221. BC(before_Christ) 1
222. GrabeR 1
223. Dadik2580 1
224. Solsund 1
225. CAT-FISH 1
226. sosig 1
227. BloodyVermillion 1
228. Bogdan100pink 1
229. ThemEmers 1
230. Biscuit_Time 1
231. oscar 1
232. ishanpm 1
233. Robbbbbbbb 1
234. hawthornstar 1
235. aucious 1
236. lioking 1
237. exempt_medic 1
238. mosshoss 1
239. mooys 1
240. dabn 1
241. s0fl 1
242. celestrose 1
243. jat2980 1
244. auribouros 1
245. vortex8452 1
246. norjam 1
247. elias_5891 1
248. 🟨wasp hike lingo 1
249. esoteric_merit 1
250. zephyrite_athebyne 1
251. emi_lives_alone 1
252. Winter 1
253. mu 1
254. jaycornthe1 1
255. The Hepterice 🩵 1
256. kiribatiplays942 1
257. busov 1
258. arfurpups 1
259. ruby sharp 1
260. nollreed 1
262. hello_im_h 1
263. Spelly the Protogen 1
264. 4._.e 1
265. anonimaniak2 1
266. juli 1
267. kenglue 1
268. djn_nathan 1
269. vanoqrow 1
270. ⬜Quantum🟨yaK :३ 1