#115 Up +27/-25 Down May 28 2008 at 10:11:38 am EDT
Starla: it's too quiet
Bluemonkey: BANG
Gryphic: BOOM!
Starla: ....
Starla: funny
Timbo94: ...
Bluemonkey: <splack>
Bluemonkey: hm i wonder what the most disturbing sound effect is..
Starla: *sound of mushrooms growing*
Gryphic: Splong! "I just lost my thong!"
Starla: When you say thong
Starla: I hope you are talking about the sandal
Bluemonkey: I WIN!!!
Gryphic: I am
Gryphic: What esle would I be talking about?
Starla: Um....
Starla: A thong can also be lady's underwear
Starla: So....
Starla: If you lost your thong.....