#12 Up +31/-35 Down
Actias: *listening to Pictures of You*
Actias: ...
Actias: Pictures of you
hatkirby: is listening to: Don't Stop the Music
hatkirby: At 1.5 times the speed!
hatkirby: You have 900 posts!
Actias: Yay.
hatkirby: I have 1111 posts!
Actias: Oh my god.
hatkirby: You are getting close to 1000!
Actias: Hmmm...
hatkirby: is listening to: Happy Ending
hatkirby: At 1.4 times the speed!
hatkirby: Oops@ POOP!
hatkirby: I meant 1.5!
hatkirby: Why am I typing everything wrong today?
Actias: Ritgh
hatkirby: Funny