#228 Up +37/-30 Down
Hatkirby: you promize you'll be on?
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: we'll be on
Drifty: I'll be on
Hatkirby: When you're FIFTEEN smoebodyy tells you they love you
Hatkirby: You're gonna belivee them
Hatkirby: Yaaaay
Drifty: I'm not fifteen, so no
Hatkirby: i hop i can wake at 6 because i fall asleep so late
* Tamasys & Ozzyfrog takes Taylor Swift hostage
Hatkirby: ....?
Hatkirby: Is that smiley upsidedown?
(Private) Drifty: LOL
Hatkirby: NO
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: um...
Hatkirby: OMG TAY!@!!!!
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: GOTOBED
Drifty: You need to sleep now, Hat
Drifty: GO TO BED
Hatkirby: COM BACK
Hatkirby: I'm going
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: good
Drifty: Good!
Hatkirby: I dun want tay to be in hostage
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: ok, close yaplet in
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 10
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 9
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 8
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 7
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 6
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 5
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 4
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 3
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 2
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 1
Drifty: Now!
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: NOW!
Hatkirby: whhhhhhy?
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: NOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: coz u need sleep
Drifty: And you won't be able tp talk to us tomorrow
(Private) Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: don't respond till he closes it
(Private) Drifty: Okay! lol
Hatkirby: caaaan't I keep yaplet open while I slep?
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: we go now
Hatkirby: sleep?
BleuM937: Greetings
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: o dear...
Drifty: O_O
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: bbbbaaaaaaaadddd timing
Hatkirby: whaaaat?
Hatkirby: don't go!
Hatkirby: I want to talk tomorrow!