#273 Up +23/-23 Down July 18 2009 at 05:46:46 am EDT
Hatkirby: Sammi: What is it you are examining?
Hatkirby: Marshie: Your extremely normal female teenage face....
Hatkirby: Katie: Contains an object that we describe....
Hatkirby: Sibbie: As really weird and disproportionately odd....
Hatkirby: Marie: And kinda freaky in a way....
Hatkirby: All: So please notice it like now!
Hatkirby: Sammi then notices a die on her nose.
Hatkirby: Sammi: The location of this confuses me.
Hatkirby: Marie: IT'S A SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE!!!!
Hatkirby: Sibbie: Close your sound exporting output pipe!