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[7:31:25 PM] Starla Alice Insigna is listening to Have You Got It In You? by Imogen Heap
[7:32:00 PM] Pyro: ROFL
[7:32:07 PM] Pyro: thats what she said
[7:33:53 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: whut?
[7:33:57 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: OH GOD
[7:34:05 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: i get it
[7:34:22 PM] Pyro: Lmao
[7:34:25 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo but I liked this song
[7:35:02 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: ahhhhhh now I'm going to think that everytime i hear the song
[7:35:13 PM] Pyro: hahaha
[7:37:41 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: *cries*
[7:37:52 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: lol
[7:38:02 PM] Pyro: sorry :)
[7:38:11 PM] Starla Alice Insigna is listening to Can't Take It In by Imogen Heap
[7:38:23 PM] Pyro: LOL
[7:38:31 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: oh you are KIDDING ME!!!!!!
[7:38:44 PM] Starla Alice Insigna is rofling now