Ozzyfrog: I'm just unpacking a desk lamp Ozzyfrog: it weighs about the same as a small African country Ozzyfrog: I can hardly move it anywhere, although that's the sad life of a Ozzyfrog: lamp Friend: On the bright side, it is a lamp Ozzyfrog: It's certainly not dim Friend: you can be sure it will enlighten any situation Ozzyfrog: It won't leave you in the dark Friend: It will help you see the brighter side of things Ozzyfrog: All you need to do is follow the light Friend: The light shall guide you in the right direction Ozzyfrog: It will brighten up your future Friend: Will you donate the lamp to the small african country? Friend: They could use some light Ozzyfrog: They are going through dark times at the moment Friend: But they have so little power Ozzyfrog: Watt a shame Friend: It's an injustice Ozzyfrog: Although no-one has been charged Friend: But the battery hens were allowed to leave Ozzyfrog: It was such a shocking experience for them Friend: And the people! Power to the people! Fill them with energy! Ozzyfrog: Although not so much that it hertz Friend: No, we could be charged with assault Ozzyfrog: Yes, and we would be able to give so little resistance Friend: It's hard to keep current with all these things Ozzyfrog: It is, but we must remain positive Friend: We have amp-le reasons to remain positive Ozzyfrog: Indeed, let's not lose our spark.