#38 Up +40/-36 Down
Gryphic: You know, four would have been my favorite number if it didn't sound like 'Die' in Chinese. I'm not superstitious, but I just let go of four.
hatkirby: You... you almost liked four? *cries* What lead you to think about liking this wonderful number?
Gryphic: Because it's a perfect number. Even, low, and stuff. But I started liking six when the number six was assigned to me in school. And I found out it truly is a perfect number (add all the factors up and you get that number).
hatkirby: Four is perfect. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something.
Gryphic: No, four is not a perfect number. Add all the factors with the exeption of the number itself, if it adds up to the number it's perfect.

Gryphic: 4
Gryphic: Factors: 1, 2
Gryphic: Adds up to: 3
Gryphic: Perfect? no

Gryphic: 6
Gryphic: Factors: 1, 2, 3
Gryphic: Adds up to: 6
Gryphic: Perfect? YES!
hatkirby: I know that, I mean that FOUR IS BEATIFAUL!!!!!!! BEAUTIFAUL!!!!!!!! BEUTIFAUL, IT'S TRUE!!!!!!! I SAW YOUR ...spaz.....