#413 Up +22/-17 Down August 05 2010 at 03:29:30 am EDT
(11:24:18 PM) Starla: And I am learning that StalkerBot has a hole in it
(11:24:50 PM) Tamasys: Oh?
(11:25:17 PM) Starla: He seems to be logging IDENTIFY messages intended for NickServ
(11:25:24 PM) Starla: Basically, I stealing your passwords
(11:25:40 PM) Tamasys: O_o
(11:25:55 PM) Tamasys: Mine isn't very secure xP
(11:25:55 PM) Starla: The disturbing part is that he also displays them on the stats page
(11:26:04 PM) Tamasys: O_o
(11:26:07 PM) Starla: Yeah
(11:26:26 PM) Starla: I just had to regenerate stats six times to get my password to go away
(11:26:37 PM) Starla: This must be marked CRITICAL in the bug tracker
(11:26:44 PM) Starla: ....but I don't have a bug tracker for StalkerBot
(11:26:56 PM) Starla: I guess I'll eat a ricecake or something
(11:27:01 PM) ***Starla noms
(11:27:05 PM) Tamasys: Lol