#427 Up +17/-21 Down August 19 2010 at 01:02:22 pm EDT
(08:06:18 AM) Bluemonkey: teehee
(08:06:26 AM) Bluemonkey: also music is great
(08:06:31 AM) Starla: yay music
(08:11:18 AM) Starla: music is like a chimpanzee attacking an old lady with jelly snakes
(08:12:06 AM) Bluemonkey: no
(08:12:07 AM) Bluemonkey: not at all
(08:12:12 AM) Bluemonkey: at least not my music :P
(08:12:17 AM) Starla: Some music is
(08:12:43 AM) Starla: Its like *monkey noises* *old lady screams* *wiggling*
(08:14:27 AM) Starla: Note: Starla made that up for this joke: No parallel was being drawn against any music as far as she knows and if there is any music that fits that description, she wants to murder it. See in stores for details. Terms and conditions apply.
(08:14:51 AM) Bluemonkey: WHAT STORES????
(08:14:53 AM) Bluemonkey: I MUST HAZ
(08:15:53 AM) Starla: YES