#434 Up +17/-18 Down January 09 2011 at 02:14:27 am EST
Hatkirby: I'm in a very dark mood right now and I'm not sure why
Hatkirby: Do you have any lightness cookies?
Drifty: Why don't you direct that darkness into something else
Drifty: like Sabrina or Four Island creepypasta
Hatkirby: Like how I was trying to channel my anger yesterday into a productive sink such as writing my homework?
Drifty: Sure, why not
Hatkirby: It doesn't work—channeling involves ghosts and ghosts are dark. The darkness hides various slender people who need to work out some more even though they're very anorexic. I tell them to just get a job but instead they want to climb trees. This makes them even thinner.
Drifty: Wait what
* Hatkirby is quite possibly insane
Drifty: wot