#46 Up +29/-29 Down April 25 2008 at 11:14:45 pm EDT
(09:10:18 AM) Pyro: so what eles can u do on 4 island
(09:10:28 AM) Hatkirby: You mean the Fourm or Four Island?
(09:10:43 AM) Pyro: yep
(09:10:50 AM) Hatkirby: Which one?
(09:10:55 AM) Pyro: ?
(09:11:02 AM) Hatkirby: Fourm or Four Island?
(09:11:08 AM) Pyro: fourm
(09:11:19 AM) Hatkirby: Wait a second
(09:11:33 AM) Pyro: secounds up
(09:11:42 AM) Hatkirby: Four Island Blog - This is about the Four Island Blog posts - Ignore this
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(09:11:46 AM) Hatkirby: HAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!
(09:11:59 AM) Pyro: wow u type fast
(09:12:05 AM) Hatkirby: I copy pasted that
(09:12:08 AM) Hatkirby: ...wait...
(09:12:13 AM) Hatkirby: Let's pretend I didn't just say that
(09:12:19 AM) Hatkirby: I CAN TYPE AT 100 WPM!!!!!!