Up+21/-20DownSeptember 16 2011 at 11:44:11 pm EDT
Drifty: My messenging program keeps going HI FROM NICKSERV every time my internet burps Drifty: so I may not answer sometimes Старла Эппрект: lol yes mine does too Drifty: NICKSERV IS VERY LONELY Старла Эппрект: Which is every time I unplug my ethernet cable Старла Эппрект: "OH GOD PLEASE TALK TO NICKSERV—I HAVE NOWHERE TO GO ON THE WEEKENDS" Drifty: We should set NickServ up with a girlfriend Drifty: or a boyfriend Drifty: Nah, a botfriend Старла Эппрект: Maybe ChanServ? Ooooooh Старла Эппрект: or hows about ImmiBot!  Старла Эппрект: aaaah tumblr you're always down Drifty: They hooked a chatbot to himself and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnzlbyTZsQY Drifty: "I am not a robot. I am a unicorn." Drifty: Threeway bot! Старла Эппрект: I AM NOT AROBOT Старла Эппрект: is a Marina & the Diamonds song Старла Эппрект: BOTS HAVIN' A THREEWAY Старла Эппрект: DOIN' FLIPS 'N' SH*T Drifty: I mean cleverbot