Up+23/-18DownSeptember 17 2011 at 12:04:03 am EDT
Drifty: my god lady gaga videos are so weird Starla Insigna: :P Drifty: Watchinh Bloody Mary Starla Insigna: There's a video for Bloody Mary? Starla Insigna: It's not even a single Drifty: Oh it Drifty: s not official Drifty: but wtf Starla Insigna: oh Drifty: I thought it was official! Drifty: I mean who else would have freaky black clowns and long fingernails and heavy handed religious imagery Drifty: And people fondling chairs Starla Insigna: JESUS Drifty: oh Drifty: dear Starla Insigna: I mean lol Drifty: Jesus, what have you been up to?