#477 Up +31/-28 Down February 29 2012 at 12:27:40 pm EST
Drifty: Can I internet hug you
Hatkirby: Sure
Hatkirby: Hugs are good
Hatkirby: Hugs are great
Hatkirby: for the SOUL
Hatkirby: for the LLAMAS
Drifty: Chicken soup for the soul
Drifty: Llamas?
Hatkirby: *starts singing a country song*
Drifty: While hugging
Drifty: while on the trapeze
Hatkirby: somewhat muffled by the hug
Hatkirby: and falling down the air
Hatkirby: aiiiiiiiiiiirplanes in the night sky
Hatkirby: like shooting stars
Drifty: "I wish airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars. I could really use a wish right now." - Abraham Lincoln
Hatkirby: lololol
Drifty: "Caught in your bad romance." - George Bush
Hatkirby: "If I said you were sexy would you take your pants off and dance around for me?" -John Quincy Adams
Drifty: "I am so sexy it hurts." - Shakespeare
Hatkirby: "I won $100 worth of Lucky Charms marshmallows." -Pope Benedict the Third
Drifty: "I voted for the Lady Queen Mistress of Four Island, and you should too." - Stalin
Hatkirby: "I just sneezed in the kitchen and from what I heard, the noise sounded incredibly girly. My mom, just walking in to the room, stood there for a second like she encountered an alien." -Dwane "The Rock" Johnson
Hatkirby: "I'm sexy and I know it" -Ramesses II
Drifty: "You're so hypnotising. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel? Your touch is so magnetizing." - Theodore Roosevelt
Hatkirby: "If I kiss you where it's sore, will you feel better, better, better, will you feel anything at all?" -Arnold Schwarzenegger
Drifty: "Samson went back to bed. Not much hair left on his head! He ate a slice of wonderbread and went back to bed." - Jesus Christ
Hatkirby: "I love that lavender blonde. The way she moves, the way she walks, I touch myself, can't get enough." -Angelina Jolie
Drifty: "Jizz in my pants." - Rick Santorum
Hatkirby: "i herd u liek mudkipz" -Barack Obama
Drifty: "I choose you, Joe Biden!" - Barack Obama
Hatkirby: "I'm on a boat, y'all!" -John M. Whitall
Drifty: "You spin me, baby, right round right round like a record baby." - Julia Gillard to Kevin Rudd
Hatkirby: "Hear them whispering, French and German, Dutch, Italian and Latin. When no one's looking, I touch a sculpture. Marble, gold and soft as satin." -Winona Ryder
Hatkirby: "Bitch I created the centripetal force in yo bed." -Isaac Newton
Drifty: "When I got my abortion, I brought along my boyfriend..." - Joe Biden
Hatkirby: "When I got my abortion, I brought along my boyfriend…" -Rick Santorum