azhdrake: I should. Really eat something today. Considering yesterday I had one small meal, three bites of ramen, and a nutrition shake Hatkirby: Bees azhdrake: I'm sick! azhdrake: I'm not hungry! Hatkirby: Hands you royal jelly but like the masc version pallasvoid: adskjghlakdsjgh azhdrake: olaifjcoawejifaow azhdrake: I don't wanna be royalty.... ToothPasteCanyon: Wow… bee T… gasmasque: 👑 Hatkirby: It doesn’t really make you royalty it just makes your hormone producing organs massive and makes you live longer than other young adults ToothPasteCanyon: Fjfjfjfjfi Hatkirby: It’s like when people say yassss king slay azhdrake: just like a drag king Hatkirby: Jerk yeah Hatkirby: Hell * azhdrake: olijliuhukfrteds Hatkirby: Nooooo