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hatkirby: *turns grem back to normal*
hatkirby: *but also holding a carrot*
tinylittlegremlin: eheeeeeeee!
tinylittlegremlin: YAY CARROT
tinylittlegremlin: (gives it to star) here star! for your eyes!
hatkirby: 👀
hatkirby: Are you stabbing me in the eyes
tinylittlegremlin: no im handing it over!
azhdrake: God the carrots are great for vision myth is so fucking funny.
Like. WWII Britain be like. Hey. How can we get people to eat this cheap food we have a surplus of? Also how to we hide the fact that we have more advanced radar then anyone else? Hold the phone I got a though!
hatkirby: They what now
hatkirby: do carrots make you bad at detecting other ppls radars
toothpastecanyon: Djdndndndn I heard that all the time as a kid
beetlejess: No they spread it so everyone just thought British people could see really well in the dark
hatkirby: that's insane
hatkirby: omg
beetlejess: I felt so incredibly lied to when I found out I’ve never been more betrayed
toothpastecanyon: :blurryeyes:
azhdrake: No Britain was claiming that they were so good at detecting other people's planes because their pilots ate so many carrots.
hatkirby: ^ british people be like
toothpastecanyon: Oh dear I’ve been called British
hatkirby: im sorry :(
hatkirby: it's just, yknow, you were... looking
toothpastecanyon: It’s okay 😔 the truth had to come out sometime
toothpastecanyon: That’s why I play the looker so much
hatkirby: yeah tooth when are you going to submit a new WR
toothpastecanyon: When I finish this carrot!!
beetlejess: I don’t think the british exist
swbookworm: ...care to elaborate on that?
toothpastecanyon: That would be wonderful
beetlejess: I just don’t believe in them
bessler: i've never met a brit. my mother has a british passport but i think the australians gave her that so she would feel special
beetlejess: So true
hatkirby: you've met tooth
swbookworm: everyone else: the moon landing was fake! the earth is actually flat! there's a secret society controlling the world's governments!
jess, an intellectual: the british don't exist
azhdrake: God I wish that were me
azhdrake: Then again current UK politics are pretty funny
tinylittlegremlin: lol
bessler: i dont know where she went for ~6 years but it wasnt britain. we have to let her down gently. she may have been in france
toothpastecanyon: Yeah currently the British seem to be doing their best to not exist
hatkirby: i've also lived in britian
bessler: i dont think you have
bessler: it was probably a clerical error
hatkirby: you're probably right
hatkirby: i was living with a cleric i guess
bessler: there you go then! clerics will get you. always trying to convince you that the british exist
toothpastecanyon: We lived down the street from one another in tottingham upon twattle
hatkirby: mdsbhfkjs
beetlejess: Yeah my dad once asked me what I thought of britain I was like. Um. The what
hatkirby: yeah just a town over from Knobcock, alongside the Stephen Fry River