#559 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:49:52 pm EDT
tinylittlegremlin: hi bees!!!
azhdrake: Hey Grem!
tinylittlegremlin: bees help i am thinking about technology again
tinylittlegremlin: also bees help it is super windy out
hatkirby: are you thinking about all of the objective-c code loaded into that ipad 🥺
tinylittlegremlin: whats objective-c code?
azhdrake: Because our planet rotates at an angle?
hatkirby: objective-c is the best programming language in the universe said literally no one except me because i think it is neat and i get canceled everytime i bring it up
azhdrake: And uneven heat distribution causes air currents to do things
hatkirby: it's the language apple used to use / sort of still uses for its software platforms
azhdrake: Oh you didn't ask why was it windty
azhdrake: You just stated a fact
hatkirby: no i think you effectively helped grem
azhdrake: Sorry about your wind, brah
hatkirby: you told them what was going on and helped them come to terms with why they're being blown comically off their feet toward a large tree
tinylittlegremlin: djkklgalkghajklgdf;
tinylittlegremlin: and yeah what star said
tinylittlegremlin: [gets blown away]