#660 Up +1/-0 Down December 21 2023 at 08:11:08 pm EST
mrpokemon11: hey Violet, how often do you go over the submitted junk hints?
newsoupvi: I look at them somewhat regularly but I will only make a new PR including them once we have a good number of new hints
newsoupvi: Oh god someone submitted such a cringy hint but I'll admit I laughed
mrpokemon11: well you can't say that and not tell us
newsoupvi: It was something like
newsoupvi: "Remember that your saves are stored in the balls"
newsoupvi: lol
t1mshady: Like that one time where someone asked where the save data for a game was stored and an actual developer replied "in the balls"
newsoupvi: Oh is this a reference
newsoupvi: Well
newsoupvi: As in
newsoupvi: I know "pee is stored in the balls"
newsoupvi: But I meant, is this a reference to that one specific invocation of the meme by that developer
newsoupvi: Lol
t1mshady: Not sure it just reminds me of that specific case
t1mshady: In fact
t1mshady: https://steamcommunity.com/app/519860/discussions/0/3557193237096085059/
t1mshady: Here it is
t1mshady: 2nd reply in the thread
t1mshady: (ftr, I was not the submitter of this hint)
newsoupvi: THAT'S SO BASED
newsoupvi: I gotta start doing stuff like that
newsoupvi: When ppl ask questions here
newsoupvi: Time to lose all my reputation for memes
rever: careful with rule 9 tho :p
newsoupvi: Me when I spread misinformation on the internet in ⁠witness
newsoupvi: :EvilKermit: :EvilKermit: :EvilKermit: :BANFlash: 😭
hatkirby: Man how am I gonna save my game
espeon2718: the balls need not be connected to anything
espeon2718: me, a mathematician: "disjoint open balls"
hatkirby: Well, not connected to anything except maybe steam cloud
t1mshady: I should clean out my saves folder for the witness eventually
t1mshady: So many game saves in there now
newsoupvi: Every class has access to the "balls" skill it's just some people start with it unlocked
newsoupvi: How did you not know this
newsoupvi: This is common knowledge
espeon2718: having to invest a skill point to save the game?
exempt_medic: I had almost a GB of Witness saves earlier... Steam cloud loves trying to bring them back
espeon2718: poorly designed, devs don't know how to balance a game smh