#682 Up +0/-0 Down February 24 2024 at 09:21:57 pm EST
tinylittlegremlin: hey star do you want to playt he passwords game :)
hatkirby: i don't know what that is
tinylittlegremlin: :)
hatkirby: you're gonna have to try harder than that to get my passwords
eka_caesium: https://neal.fun/password-game/
hatkirby: oh i know this
tinylittlegremlin: wanna play :)
hatkirby: [image that says "balls"]
hatkirby: i win
toothpastecanyon: perfect password no notes
eka_caesium: Star's password is "ILoveMen"
hatkirby: kjdsfhkjshf
toothpastecanyon: ILoveMen.balls
hatkirby: eka you're not supposed to TELL people !!!!
tinylittlegremlin: writing that down
tinylittlegremlin: 📝
eka_caesium: 😈
toothpastecanyon: star I'm wondering whether you think this is a secret :blobamused:
toothpastecanyon: :LimpWrist: