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[talking about easter eggs in Shivers (1995)]
gelly: there's quite a few yes
jasperbird: ah yeah i only got "it's alright? it's alright"
hatkirby: i love "it's alright? it's alright" tho like. the pensive atmosphere in the inventions room is real. the music is so gentle, and the room is so barren. like you can feel that something went wrong, and the museum is unfinished. and that voice saying it's alright sounds like a recognition of this. what happened here was a tragedy. windlenot's whole life, sort of, was a tragedy. is it really alright? you can tell in the second "it's alright" that it's not really. but it is what it is. he's out of the vessel, now, anyway. everything will move on.
gelly: i really hate to say it but the " 'salright? " easter egg is in reference to senor wences and pedro, a ventriloquist act from like the 60s. pretty sure scooby doo referenced it.