#89 Up +22/-24 Down April 30 2008 at 11:57:46 am EDT
*** Hatkirby [7cb0fe3a@CPE-124-176-254-58.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #four
*** Channel created on Sat Apr 12 01:06:55 2008
*** mode/#four [+b *!*7cb0fe3a@*.vic.bigpond.net.au] by Foar
*** Hatkirby was kicked from #four by Foar [Four letter nicks only!]
*** Poyo [7cb0fe3a@CPE-124-176-254-58.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #four
*** Channel created on Sat Apr 12 01:06:55 2008
<Poyo> Hello?
*** Poyo was kicked from #four by Foar [Sorry Poyo, only four word sentences are allowed.]
*** Poyo [7cb0fe3a@CPE-124-176-254-58.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #four
*** Channel created on Sat Apr 12 01:06:55 2008
<Poyo> Four is the best!
<Poyo> This channel has many
<Poyo> restrictions that make it
<Poyo> difficult to talk about
<Poyo> things that I would
<Poyo> like to talk about.
<Poyo> Wow, you really have
<Poyo> to make you sentences
<Poyo> longer than you would
<Poyo> like them to be
<Poyo> because of the four
<Poyo> word restrictions on the
<Poyo> sentences that you type.
<Poyo> I really can't think
<Poyo> of anything else to
<Poyo> say right now other
<Poyo> than the fact that
<Poyo> Four is undoubtedly TEH
<Poyo> Wow, this is quite
<Poyo> working in my favor.
<Poyo> Hello, any other four
<Poyo> lovers out there that
<Poyo> would like to talk
<Poyo> about four because four
<Poyo> is the best number
<Poyo> in the universe because
<Poyo> of all the magical
<Poyo> rules and properties it
<Poyo> has attained over the
<Poyo> years of it's existance?
<Poyo> Wow, that was some
<Poyo> pretty serious unnecessary elongation!
<Poyo> I love the number four!
*** Poyo was kicked from #four by Foar [Sorry Poyo, only four word sentences are allowed.]
<Poyo> Oops, I forgot about
*** #four Cannot send to channel
<Poyo> the restrictions!
*** #four Cannot send to channel
*** #four Cannot send to channel
<Poyo> I LOVE TEH FOUR!!!!!!!!!!
*** #four Cannot send to channel