onLol, fairly varied response to this question, but the resounding opinion is NO! WE HAVEN'T AN INKLING OF YOUR OMNIPUS! :P Whut.
Does Ubuntu 10.04 annoy you too? WHY YES IT VERILY DOES - 2 votes! Um... no... - 0 votes What on earth is that? - 3 votes Indifferent - 4 votes
Yes, anyway, I'm still in Australia and I don't have a very reliable Internet connection (this was typed painstakingly on an iPod), so I'm just going to have to go to Caption'd now. Oh, and you should expect another CD review to come soon :P
Pizza Delivery
Public Reaction
Blog posts tagged "captiond"
onYes, Pillowcase Season 3! This poll was good, except for one person who OMG VOTED NO?!?!?!?!? HOW DARE YOU!??!?!? :P
Did you like Pillowcase Season 3? YES hugs - 3 vote(s)! Nah, it was a bust like Season 2 - 1 vote(s)! Season 3 is over?!?!?! - 2 vote(s)! Indifferent - 0 vote(s)!
So, guess what peoples? I AM IN AUSTRALIA. HOW AWESOME IS THAT. It also happens to be Sunday. I didn't have Internet access yesterday and I freaked out when I realized that today was Sunday, but then I remembered that it's still Saturday in America! I'm saved! :P Anyway, here's this week's Caption'ds:
Rocket Feet
Anyways, I am very happy to be in Australia, though I am worried about if I will be able to keep up posting once a week, due to my limited Internet access. Hopefully it'll all work out. :)
onAnother week is over, another poll for me to write about. It seems that we're quite in the majority here, with iPod touch lovers :P. iOS 4 comes out in two days! YAY! Anyway, here are the results:
Do you have an iPod touch? YES AND IT'S AWESOME - 8 vote(s)! No is sad - 3 vote(s)! I have an iPhone! It's the same thing- gets shot by Starla - 0 vote(s)! Indifferent, which really doesn't make sense here - 1 vote(s)!
Just a notice for peoples, this Thursday, I'm going away for about a month so please forgive me if updates come late or if I gasp forget to post one week. I'm going to try to write all of my posts in advance so that I'm not rushing because I will be fairly busy. I'll be back, though! :P
In other news, Pillowcase Season 3 ended today. A moment of silence. :P No, it had a great run and is actually the longest season of Pillowcase so far. I hope you enjoyed it! And that is what this week's poll is about! :P
Anyway, time for caption'd!
Lauren Is Really Quite A Bad Influence And I Think It's Time We Sued Her
Unrequited Love
Hopefully, I'll have a few more posts to post this week (I neglected my RANDOM ENGLISH RANT last week! :P) as a few interesting things have happened recently and don't worry! I won't completely vanish while I'm gone! :P
onI love it so when the Yes option and the No option get the same number of votes, because then I gain nothing from the poll! :P Anyway, here are the results:
Do my random English rants make you want to shoot me? Because.... there's more. :P OH GOD machine gun - 4 vote(s)! I love you anyway! hugs - 4 vote(s)! Another option - 1 vote(s)! Indifferent - 0 vote(s)!
I want to point out that while this week's poll may look random, it isn't. Guess what. I GOT AN IPOD TOUCH!!!! :D I love it dearly, and I want to see who else has one. So there. It doesn't infringe on my annual goal. :P Also, despite the name of the post, last week's poll wasn't random. :P
Gah, I seem to have neglected to post frequently this week again! I'm trying! :P I'm collecting ideas and stuff, but I've just been VERY lazy recently. It's quite annoying. Anyway, it's time for Caption'd!
Drugs And Fauns
Stranger Danger
Okay, so, um, hopefully I'll post more frequently this week. And hopefully you won't all stab me for continuing to post random English rants. Because, like last week's poll said, there's more. :P
onWow, varied! And I found this very interesting. Ointment. What? Sorry, WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU.
Do you like it when I post more often? Yes! Everything is good! - 4 vote(s)! Randomness makes me feel ill. Post less, but more. - 3 vote(s)! I dunno. - 1 vote(s)! Indifferent - 0 vote(s)!
No, lol, I was listening to Frou Frou but really, I am very interested in that last week I posted so often and then I put up this poll and didn't post at all :P. Other than the random English rant that I'm afraid scared everyone away from the site :P. No, I know you people are busy, it's okay, just bring cookies when you come back, right? :)
On that particular attractive note, it's time for Caption'd! I think I'm going to post two today instead of one and see how it goes, okay? :)
Mind Reader
Yay! Anyway, hopefully I'll post more frequently this week and... yay! :D
onYou people were quite split over this! :P In fact, I loved how half of you were extremely blunt! YAY :P
What was your favorite part of Randomlog, while it existed? Pink Panther - 0 vote(s)! Caption'd - 5 vote(s)! Random stuff - 0 vote(s)! Umm.... nothing - 5 vote(s)!
It seems like the only thing there worth retaining was Caption'd, which is coming up soon, so horray! Also, I didn't include My Life Is Happy in that poll, so I'm not quite sure if you like that, but anyway, yay for stuff!
Also, I'd like to mention something: OMG! Last week, I POSTED EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE WEEK! This is the first time I've do so all year! In fact, it's probably the first time I've done it since January 2009 :P. Horray! I am going to attempt to keep posting continuously because it's quite fun! Yay!
Anyway, for the the weekly Caption'd:
I'm thinking of possibly posting two Caption'ds a week on Saturday rather than just one, if you think only one a week is too little. What do you think? Comment! :P
onYes, the public has spoken. I have gone quite insane. Look see:
Randomlog. Awesome idea or Starla's gone insane again? OMG THIS IS SO AWESOMELY RANDOM I LUV RANDOM YAY INSANE LOL YAY - 2 vote(s)! whut. You're already insane. You're more than that! Do something! - 5 vote(s)! What's Randomlog? - 1 vote(s)! Indifferent - 1 vote(s)!
So, Randomlog has been dissolved. I know, I think I went temporarily insane last week. However, I have a replacement life for it. Don't think it's legacy is dead! Because... something!
I have been trying for A VERA LONG TIME to get it through my THICK head that THIS IS MY PERSONAL WEBSITE. OMG. I CAN POST. WHAT I WANT. ON IT. AAAH. I've keep telling myself that I can post freely here, and yet, it never happens. However, I think that is going to finally change. Now that Randomlog has been dissolved, I need another place to pour that random creativity into. Where should that be? Right here, right? No, I won't be posting Pink Panthers here because I know they are heavily despised. No, come back! :P
Now, Randomlog, as seen above and from the results of this week's poll that have already come it, was not a very popular place. I blame Pink Panther. :P However, I really liked both the Caption'd thing and the My Life Is Happy segment (which I never actually explained), so what I've decided is that I'll post a Caption'd along with every week's poll results and I'll just post My Life Is Happy pieces, as well as other randomly fun stuff, directly to my blog. Won't this be fun?
Because four Caption'd images have already been exhibited, I won't be cheap and spend four weeks showing images that have already been seen. I'll post those four images today PLUS a new one, and every week from now, I'll post one. Doesn't that sound great? prays
What I Like About... Starch
Gleefully Descrated
What I Like About... Tina
And here's the new one!
Tina's Creation
Yay! Anyway, my final topic in this extremely long poll post is that I really didn't like what I did last week with combining a poll post with a real post. It just produces too many problems. Therefore, while last week will not count as breaking my annual goal, I will no longer be posting ONLY on Saturday. I have to post at least one more time during that week.
Really, I think my problem with poll posts is that, because I don't post other things that frequently, there's so many of them. With this (hopeful) new posting regime, this shouldn't be a problem anymore. Yay! Let's see how it works out. :)