Wittle #997

Expert - September 25, 2024

Fastest Solves

1. IHNN 00:08
2. elephant girl 00:24
3. yeast b 00:50
4. doug 00:50
5. Kvadrat0 01:08
6. Spiffers 01:13
7. VFlyer 01:17
8. FistyLH 01:32
9. Talchyr 01:34
10. hatkirby 02:10
11. hutt likes this style 02:32
12. sigma144 02:43
13. hallojasper 04:26
14. Umbra Moruka had to cheat cos he haven't done witness professionally for a year 04:28
15. Haxton 🥲 10:52
16. Thorn 13:46
17. Dragons 15:54

Completion Order

1. VFlyer 12:09:45am
2. yeast b 12:21:40am
3. Spiffers 12:26:02am
4. IHNN 1:17:33am
5. hutt likes this style 1:26:40am
6. Dragons 1:44:30am
7. hatkirby 1:56:03am
8. FistyLH 2:48:41am
9. Umbra Moruka had to cheat cos he haven't done witness professionally for a year 2:49:08am
10. elephant girl 2:59:12am
11. doug 3:39:04am
12. Haxton 🥲 3:47:38am
13. Talchyr 5:08:10am
14. sigma144 6:02:46am
15. hallojasper 11:28:02am
16. Kvadrat0 9:49:06pm
17. Thorn 11:11:17pm