
OMG I haven't posted in AGES! GAAAAAAAAHHHHH! jumps off something

Okay, I'm back. So, if you've been reading True Falsities lately, you'll have seen a story by me about Bluemonkey creating a comic strip called Pillowcase. He didn't, I did. After writing that story, I went a little Pillowcase-insane and made it into a real webcomic. :)

Pillowcase! The site's still slightly under construction, but I have the comic viewing properly set up. Plus, I have a pending queue of 25 comics currently, so even if I procrastinate and die, the comic will continue for 25 more days yaaaay!

So, I'm insane, but in a good way. :) YAY for Pillowcase, the daily-updating webcomic about...................... A PILLOWCASE!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Hatkirby on February 20th, 2009 at 7:34:45pm
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So Random Poll

Wow, that was a REALLY RANDOM POLL OMIGOSH. I hope I can get more serious this time (of course, unless I can't think of anything. Then it'll be random advertisement time, yay!)

YES AND IT'S LIKE SO WEIRD - 6 vote(s)! ....no.... - 0 vote(s)! Um, why are you asking me? YOU STALKER! - 1 vote(s)! You clearly didn't have any good poll ideas this week! Sujing chao! - 2 vote(s)!

Anyways, happy Valentine's Day! I hope you all have a good day and I hope I start using commas correctly and writing posts for Four Island!

Hatkirby on February 14th, 2009 at 7:43:43am
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Poll Of Quotes

I'm not very fond of your haaaaat.... I'm sorry, I'm simply obsessed with funny quotes from TV. What's even funnier is when Josh walks into the room where Sabrina is and says "Sie schauen heute abend so reizend aus." I DIED laughing, but that's so off the point.

Teh commenting is fun! - 7 vote(s)! OMG You're a bully! - 0 vote(s)! I'm not very fond of your haaaat.... - 0 vote(s)! Indifferent - 1 vote(s)!

GAH I'm still not posting consistently! I had a post idea on Wednesday that was for Thursday, but I forgot to write it wragadablareeee :(. Hopefully I'll get back into it, kay? :)

Hatkirby on February 7th, 2009 at 8:48:39pm
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RGBA Layout

Oh yes, I did it again. A new layout. Well, not really. Like 6.1, layout 6.2 is a minor update to the major Layout 6. I've removed the phpBB-style background and made the center semi-transparent instead. This way, all text is still visible, but you can also see the background, something I was going for for ages.

I got this idea from CSS-Tricks' RGBa Browser Support. I saw that and immediately went "YAY THAT'S LIKE TOTALLY PERFECT!" (the previous sentence may have possibly been paraphrased :)) I've been trying to achieve an effect like this since I saw CSS-Tricks' Blurry Background Effect and thought it'd be a great way to overcome the problem.

So, if anyone has any difficulties with the new layout, such as it throws up in IE 7.6546465 or looks so disgusting that you'd like to eat a cheesedoodle, just comment and tell me. :)

Hatkirby on February 5th, 2009 at 12:32:58pm
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At the beginning of the month, I posted about my falsities blog, True Falsities. Back then, the implantation for True Falsities was a subfourm of Storybook Time on The Fourm. However, now I've moved my falsities blog and put it up for the interwebz. It's available at false.fourisland.com.

Not only can I write posties, so can you! You're perfectly allowed to register and submit an article for review. Timbo94 has already done so and his post "Heat Kills, Aircon Saves Life" has made the front page. Of course, any new post makes the front page, but I just like saying "made the front page."

You may be wondering why I'm using Wordpress even though I've sworn Wordpress is evil. Well, I'm still using my own handtyped code for my personal blog, so it's okay. Also, you may have noticed that I totally stole Humorix's theme. I know they won't mindy, right? :)

Hatkirby on February 2nd, 2009 at 12:32:21pm
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Oh dear. A few days ago I read on Daily Blog Tips that due to Google acquiring FeedBurner that all feeds should be moved to Google's servers. The problem with that is that Google set a deadline. Feburary 28th. Worst part is, any feeds not transferred before said date will 404.

It's pretty easy to transfer your feeds. There's a link at the top of the FeedBurner member pages entitled "Move my feed now" or something similar, which lets you sign into a Google account to move the feeds to. Then it transfers the feed, which may take a very long time depending on the length of said feed. Then, you're done. You won't be able to sign in to feedburner.com anymore, but feedburner.google.com works. You'll also be advised to change your feeds.feedburner.com links to feeds2.feedburner.com, but if you don't, they'll redirect.

I think Google's mistake, though, is setting unmoved feeds to 404 after the deadline date. For instance, if I didn't read Daily Blog Tips, I would not have known about this. At all. I'm so detached, I didn't even know FeedBurner had been acquired! Imagine the problems. I probably wouldn't know a thing until June when someone complains that the RSS feed has stopped working.

So, you peoples who use FeedBurner, make sure that you transfer your feed to Google's server!

Hatkirby on February 1st, 2009 at 12:37:51pm
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YAY! People actually care about my posts! They've even been commenting! YAY! But for those immune people, HOW COULD YOU? :) JK. And you Edna Modes? :)

OMG YES - 5 vote(s)! No, I'm immune to your website! HAHAHA - 2 vote(s)! What are you talking about? - 1 vote(s)! Indifferent - 0 vote(s)!

So, now that I'm posting again, yay? :) Well, I'd write something else here, but I can't think of anything.

Hatkirby on January 31st, 2009 at 8:30:37am
πŸ‘ -1 πŸ‘Ž

Since the Fourth layout was released, my admin panel has had the sentence "Welcome to the ubiquitous administration panel!" at the top. I haven't a clue what that word means and I don't know why I put it there. So, I finally decided to get a dictionary and find what it means.

**u.biq.ui.tous** (yoo bik`we tes) ***adj.*** present, or seeming to be present, everywhere at the same time; omnipresent

Everybody bow down to the all-seeing admin panel! Lih, that was weird. I have to be more careful when choosing words that I don't know. :)

Hatkirby on January 30th, 2009 at 12:44:12pm
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Thumbnail2Remember back when I was being nostalgic about old layouts when the 6th layout was released? Remember I was pining for a supposedly non-existent screenshot of the elusive Layout 1? Well guess what. I have found one.

I found it while traversing Wikipinia one lazy day. I found, in my User hierarchy, an old list of websites I hosted, with other information about them such as launch date. Upon opening Four Island's page, I gasped in amazement as I saw, staring at me, the long-sought after screenshot of Layout 1. :)

I can't believe how much Four Island has changed since that. Does this site even slightly resemble the one in that screenshot? Plus, back then, I knew a lot less about blogs. I even remember thinking that posting once a day is too much. Now I'm concerned about posting too little. :)

You may notice a discrepancy in that screenshot. As you know, The Fourm wasn't released until March 30th 2008. However, the third layout was enacted December 3rd 2007 and there's a link in that screenshot entitled "Fourms". Well, Four Island did have a fourm before Layout 3. It ran miniBB fourm software (which was a mistake because that resulted Four Island being blocked from a certain place for a long time) that wasn't that good. It was removed October 22nd 2007.

I haven't updated my Wikipinia user pages since forever, but there's a lot of interesting information in there. For instance, the original release date of Color Pencils was April 27th 2008, even though everyone thinks it's May 5th 2008. Weird. :)

Hatkirby on January 29th, 2009 at 12:30:38pm
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Ah yes. Due to some sortof reasonable reasons, I recently had to install McAfee Internet Security Suite on my Windows partition. A certain Wi-Fi network I depend on doesn't allow me to connect unless I am running "approved" anti-virus software. So, after the fee, I attempted to install.

Oh, would you look at that? McAfee comes with this new-fangled (you know I'm kidding, right?) download manager thing that downloads the programs for you. I loaded it up, and it just sat there and clicked. You know the sort of click, as if Internet Explorer is refreshing the page over and over again. Yes, I lost sanity. Easy fix though: Mute the speakers. But that didn't help me install McAfee.

I searched teh interwebz and found that the most likely problem was that I already had a virus. So I downloaded McAfee Stinger (which thankfully worked) and scanned my computer. Three hours later, it completed and told me that there was nothing wrong. GAH.

After a while, I found out that another problem may be that I didn't uninstall my trial copy of McAfee properly. So I ran McAfee's MCPR.exe program thingy and forced myself to restart the computer. Nope! Didn't do anything.

Exasperated, I finally tried the "Virtual Technician" thing it provides on the help page. It ran some sanity fixes (such as clearing the DNS cache) and lo and behold, the download manager worked! That was weird!

Wait a minute! After the download manager did a lot of stuff, it just sat there and told me that the installation had failed. .... I then tried the Virtual Technician a few more times and the installation a few more times and it finally worked. But that had taken QUITE a while. And all so I can continue to email people during Lunch. Hm. :)

One last thing I'd like to mention that's annoying me: At the bottom of the support page for McAfee, they have a button labeled "Fee Based Support". Is it just me or is it unfair to change people for support? For instance, a company could build themselves up (so they get good reviews) and then deliberately introduce bugs into their programs so people have to pay to get them fixed. Hopefully that's just me being paranoid, though, right? ....right? :)

Hatkirby on January 28th, 2009 at 12:31:11pm
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