← Four Island's 2nd Birthday


I'm feeling awesome. Why? Because I just set up an automated database backup script for Four Island!

Yes, you heard me right, Four Island didn't previously have any automated backups. Shock, horror, I know. What's worse is that Four Island isn't even one of those lucky websites that never loses data. Remember (or not) False? That would've never been lost if I had backups. And how about Color Pencils before the Great Color Pencils Purge of '08? I know Drifty initiated that, but not all of those posts deserved to die. Some of them were awesome. :)

Anyway, yes, I've set up an automated database backup script. Now, all of the databases on the Four Island server (which includes those of my hosted sites) gets backed up weekly and sent to a remote email address (which, I might add, has enough free storage to last me for 15 years :) ) Awesomeness :)

The only problem I have is that only the database is being backed up. I want to create some kind of monthly backing up plan where I manually back up the all of the server data on my server (including VCS repositories, non-source-controlled data, configuration files and the databases) to a portable drive. The only problem is, I don't have a portable drive. The only thing close is my memory stick, FourStar, but she only has 4GB and I need that space. Maybe I'll save up money to buy a memory stick with more space :) OR A RAID 6 SETUP WITH A SERVER FARM AND MANY MANY DOLLARS. lol, jk :)

Anyways, as a sidenote, about Color Pencils, I made an awesome discovery the other day. I found that searching "inurl:gryph.fourisland.com" at Google Blog Search came up with excerpts of the old Color Pencils posts. Which means that they might have the full posts buried in there somewhere :D I is hoping to revive them. (I actually have already revived one post, Time Of You Life, because I happened to have 6 hard copies of it so I transcribed it back onto her blog)

Hatkirby on
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OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. I just had an idea and went to my Google Reader subscription to Color Pencils and scrolled all the way down. THERE THEY WERE OMG THE OLD POSTS. OMG. OMG CATS. The dates on the posts are wrong but Google Blog Search has them right so I can change them from that data. OMG. I want to repost some of the posts so they can be awesome, but I need Drifty's permission because she's the one that deleted them in the first place. I'll ask them which ones she's okay with. :D The comments are (probably) gone forever, but YAY POSTS!

EDIT: Okay, I was slightly wrong. Yes, the old posts are there, but no, not all of them. After combing through Google Blog Search's results, I have found that two posts are missing. And, due to my bad luck, one of them happens to be Colour 4eva! :( Yeah.... The other one is "um, hi?" which was the first post on the blog so I'm probably going to have to revert to Plan A for those two posts: emailing Google and seeing if they can send me the contents of those posts.

EDIT: Good news! I have permission from The Drifty to reproduce all of the old posts (except for the two she was originally trying to delete)! Horray! Also, I've posted a question on the Google Web Search discussion fourms about retrieving the text of the two posts I do not have. Hopefully I get a reply. If not, I'll just have to email Google tech support.

EDIT: I bought a 16GB memory stick on Amazon! YAY! Can't wait to get it and start backing stuff up :) And this is a huge comment.

Hatkirby on September 30th, 2009 at 12:19:26pm
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