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Four Island's 2nd Birthday

Well, guess what people. Today is September 22nd 2009. The second anniversary of the creation of Four Island. And this year (unlike the first anniversary, which happened to be during Four Island's extended downtime), people will be around to appreciate it. :)

Sadly, if Four Island today were to be compared to, say, it's first half-birthday, which would've been March 22nd 2008, you would see an incredible difference in activity. Back in the Golden Days of Four Island, which basically included the time between the creation of Four Island and the extended downtime, The Fourm would be posted on upwards of 100 times a day and people would visit often. Now, even though activity seems to have been increasing in the last few days, there are often weeks where nothing is posted on the Fourm.

Strangely, the hit counter has not reflected this activity change. In March of last year, I probably received about 50 hits a day (which was still surprising as, well, what 50 individual people are interested in my little website? :) ), if you check the hit counter nowadays, you will see upwards of 200 hits a day. Odd? Probably :)

Anyway, I'd just like to wish Four Island a happy birthday and I hope that others do too. After all, it's been through a lot :)

Hatkirby on
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Ooh ooh I remembered! Yay Four Island!

tamasys on September 27th, 2009 at 9:11:15pm

I'm now just realizing that this post is pretty fail because The Fourm didn't exist until March 31st. lol :P

Hatkirby on March 29th, 2010 at 2:03:39pm
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